The mindfulness based empowerment method to break cycles of guilt, stress & burnout.

Go from stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out to CALM, CONFIDENT, and IN CONTROL in just 12 weeks when you register for the Empowered Motherhood course!

Are You a Mom Who...


âś” Feels overwhelmed and overstimulated from all that's on your plate?

âś” Experiences guilt for losing your cool or not being able to manage it all?

âś” Sees a burnt out mama trying to do it all on her own when you look in the mirror?

✔ Is tired of powering through only to feel burnt out and like you're still falling short?


If you answered YES to any of these, this course is for YOU!


 A Note From Me to YOU 

Dear mama, your needs matter! YOU matter.

You keep the house running, you keep bellies fed and hearts full. You make appointments, chauffeur kids around to school and activities and friends’ houses. You keep track of all the lists for all the things from groceries to what clothes the kids are gonna need this summer because they don’t stop growing.

You make choices you shouldn’t have to, like: do I shower or do I get a few extra minutes of sleep? Do I stay home to take care of my sick kids or do I lose out on pay? Do I show up for my kids or do I prioritize work so they don’t black ball me?

You make sure everyone else is healthy and happy. You grind all day, only to crash at night.

You’re exhausted, tapped out, overwhelmed, overstimulated. You’re frustrated and angry because you snap when you know you shouldn’t have. You feel guilty just for having the thought of doing something for yourself because others depend on you.

But what if you changed your perspective and believed this instead: “My family needs me HAPPY AND HEALTHY. I need me to be happy and healthy! I can better support those that I serve when I am happy and healthy."

What if you changed the narrative and started tending to your needs first? What if you started taking care of yourself like you would your kids? What if you started talking to yourself like you would to your best friend? What if you advocated for your needs like you do for others' needs?

It's time to let go of the cycles that keep you stuck in survival mode so you can reclaim your inner-peace, prioritize your needs, and show up in life AND motherhood as the BEST version of yourself!

Imagine If You Could...


âś” Access your calm to support yourself through challenging moments

âś” Track your nervous system and where you are on your stress continuum

✔ Become clear on your needs & how to prioritize them (even when you're busy)

✔ Regulate your nervous system when you’re overstimulated or overwhelmed

âś” Find practical ways to experience balance and ease in your day-to-day

âś” Be more intentional with how you spend your time

âś” Use self-compassion in place of guilt and shame

âś” Establish loving, firm boundaries rooted in your values

✔ Respond mindfully in moments of tension (and after)

✔ Show up as the mama you WANT to be


Start Today for ONLY $97!

(Valued at $1,997)

  • Lifetime access to the Empowered Motherhood course

  •  Access to Certified Mindfulness and Parenting Coach, Jeri-Ashley Bremer via the Empowered Motherhood Facebook group

  • Comprehensive workbooks, reflection guides, and activities to support you in your continued growth

  • Tools and strategies to reduce stress and be more mindful in your day-to-day

  • Access to a community of like-minded mamas committed to growing alongside you


What's Included in the Course?

Here's What Other Moms Are Saying:


Look Inside the

Empowered Motherhood Course


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A mama to multiples, mindful parenting expert, maternal mental health advocate, and CEO of The Mindfulness Co.

 As a mom who once found herself pressed for time, distracted, and struggling to find balance in my numerous roles, I recognize that the complex challenges we face as mothers mothers often leave us stressed, overwhelmed, and full of guilt for falling short.

I'm passionate about teaching moms exactly HOW to navigate life and motherhood with clarity, confidence, and compassion so they can show up as the BEST versions of themselves utilizing my Mindful Empowerment Method.

My strengths-based approach helps you shift your focus to build on all that you're doing well, so you can make transformational changes that last (in less time and without the self-doubt).

I'm so excited you're here, ready to invest in your well-being. YOU matter, and your needs matter.

Your coach & partner in well-being,
Jeri-Ashley Bremer, M.S. Ed.